“Revelation for Normal People” Book Study

John’s Book of Revelation (or “The Apocalypse of St. John”) is a book full of scary images, prophecies of doom and destruction, and a lot of material that will never be part of a Sunday school lesson. It’s a book that has fascinated and terrified the follower of Jesus since “John” first wrote it. People have made connections between the events in Revelation to modern events, from wars in the Middle East to barcodes and “chemtrails”.

Who is this enigmatic figure whose work has captured our attention and imagination for centuries? Why did he write this narrative of fear, and to whom? Join us as Rev’d Tom takes us on a journey through this book, using “Revelation for Normal People” by Robyn J. Whittaker as a guide.

The book is available for purchase online, or through the office by pre-registering for the course. Financial aid is available if required to buy the book.