What Does GLI Look Like?

Could you live on $1,169 a month to pay all your bills? That’s what a single person on Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) gets. GLI would allow those on ODSP to have a livable wage and chance at a better life. Contact your political representatives to request their support for GLI at a federal and provincial level.

What program do we propose for Canada? The Coalition advocates (UCC is a member) for an income tested livable BIG for adults aged 18-64 functioning as part of a comprehensive array of social supports. The benefit for a single adult should be set at or above the chosen poverty line and indexed to the cost of living. The reduction rate for paid work should be set at a level which will make working always worthwhile – certainly no higher than 50%. The Coalition proposes a lower reduction rate, but the precise reduction rate will depend on various aspects of the final design. Disabled people with exceptional costs due to their disability should receive additional monetary support to allay those costs.

Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).