This Christmas season we are changing the way we give to Regen. We will not be asking you to donate items like we have in past years, instead a donation tin will be put up in place of the Tin Bucket for cash and gift card donations.
The funds will be given to Regen to bulk purchase the items most needed. Regen uses the power of purchase approach to buy in bulk and they can get much more for the same money that we would individually spend to purchase a few items. In the past few years many members have said it was hard to find the size of the items requested or to get out to shop. The committee heard your concerns and decided to try this new approach. Cash donations, gift cards to Tims or McDonalds and donations through envelopes marked Christmas Gift Items, will be sent to Regen after the campaign ends on December 8th. Thank you for your generosity and continued support for this annual campaign to help those in need in our community.